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      发布日期:2022-11-02    浏览次数:

序号 论文题目 第一作者 通讯作者 期刊名称 年、卷、期、页码 中科院分区 是否TOP期刊论文 是否ESI高被引论文 IF
1 A meta-analysis of management practices for simultaneously mitigating N2O and NO emissions from agricultural soils 旦增央金 顾江新 Soil & Tillage Research 2021,213:105142 1区 5.374
2 Degradation of polyethylene plastic in soil and effects on microbial community composition 黄道芬 郭学涛 Journal of Hazardous Materials Volume 416, 15 August 2021, 126173 1区 10.588
3 The occurrence of microplastic in Mu Us Sand Land soils in northwest China: Different soil types, vegetation cover and restoration years 丁玲 郭学涛 Journal of Hazardous Materials Volume 403, 5 February 2021, 123982 1区 10.588
4 Distribution and characteristics of microplastics in the basin of Chishui River in Renhuai, China 李建隆 郭学涛 Science of The Total Environment Volume 773, 15 June 2021, 145591 1区 7.963
5 Characteristics and removal efficiency of microplastics in sewage treatment plant of Xi'an City, northwest China 杨泽源 郭学涛 Science of The Total Environment Volume 771, 1 June 2021, 145377 1区 7.963
6 The occurrence and abundance of microplastics in surface water and sediment of the West River downstream, in the south of China 黄道芬 郭学涛 Science of The Total Environment Volume 756, 20 February 2021, 143857 1区 7.963
7 Horizontal and vertical distribution of microplastics in the Wuliangsuhai Lake sediment, northern China Ruofan Mao 郭学涛 Science of The Total Environment Volume 754, 1 February 2021, 142426 1区 7.963
8 Sorption of pharmaceuticals and personal care products on soil and soil components: Influencing factors and mechanisms 徐一博 郭学涛 Science of The Total Environment Volume 753, 20 January 2021, 141891 1区 7.963
9 Effect of cadmium on the sorption of tylosin by polystyrene microplastics 黄道芬 郭学涛 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety Volume 207, 1 January 2021, 111255 2区 6.291
10 Identification of sources, characteristics and photochemical transformations of dissolved organic matter with EEM-PARAFAC in the Wei River of China 骆媛媛 郭学涛 Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2021, 15(5): 96 2区 4.375
11 Calibration and Precise Orientation Determination of a Gun Barrel for Agriculture and Forestry Work Using a High-Precision Total Station 刘金成 于强、冯仲科 Measurement 173(2021)108494 2区 3.927
12 The trend of soil organic carbon fractions related to the successions of different vegetation types on the tableland of the Loess Plateau of China 刘梦云 常庆瑞 Journal of Soils and Sediments 2021, 21(1): 203 – 214 2区 3.308
13 Spatio-temporal variation characteristics of NDVI and its response to climate on the Loess Plateau from 1985 to 2015 Peng Li(学) 刘梦云 CATENA 2021, 203: 105331 1区 5.198
14 Relationship between soil organic carbon density and topography in three-dimensional space in a small watershed of loess hilly region in China Jinghan Yang (学) 刘梦云 JOURNAL OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION 2021, 76(3): 191 – 198 2区 3.18
15 Retrieval and Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon Using Sentinel-2A Spectral Images from Bare Cropland in Autumn. 王珂 齐雁冰 Remote sensing 2021,13,1072 2区
16 A genome‐wide analysis of NPF and NRT2 transporter
gene families in bread wheat provides new insights
into the distribution, function, regulation and evolution
of nitrate transporters
李梦蛟 田汇 Plant and Soil 2021,465:47-63 2区 4.192
17 Highly effective photocatalytic decomplexation of Cu-EDTA by MIL-53(Fe): Highlight the important roles of Fe 贺思潼 王铁成、祝凌燕 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 2021, 424, 130515-130529 1区 13.273
18 Endogenously activated persulfate by non-thermal plasma for Cu(II)-EDTA decomplexation: synergistic effect and mechanisms 刘悦 王铁成、祝凌燕 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 2021, 406,126774-126783. 1区 13.273
19 Insights into the highly efficient detoxification of the biotoxin patulin in water by discharge plasma oxidation 薛明明 王铁成、祝凌燕 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 2021, 411, 128432-128440 1区 13.273
20 Remediation of organophosphorus pesticide polluted soil using persulfate oxidation activated by microwave 阚洪帅 王铁成 JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 2021,401,123361-123371 1区 10.588
21 Plasma induced efficient removal of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli and antibiotic resistance genes, and inhibition of gene transfer by conjugation 李虎 王铁成 JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 2021, 419, 126465-126475. 1区 10.588
22 Effective removal of the heavy metal-organic complex Cu-EDTA from water by catalytic persulfate oxidation: performance and mechanisms 王齐 王铁成 Journal of Cleaner Production 2021, 314, 128119-128128 1区 9.297
23 Simultaneous production of low molecular weight chitosan and reducing sugar via high molecular chitosan depolymerization by surface discharge plasma 王丹凤 王铁成 Journal of Cleaner Production 2021, 128295-128306. 1区 9.297
24 Excess sludge disintegration by discharge plasma oxidation: Efficiency and underlying mechanisms 李腾飞 王铁成 Science of The Total Environment 2021, 774, 145127-145135 1区 7.963
25 High-efficient decomplexation of Cu-EDTA and Cu removal by high-frequency non-thermal plasma oxidation/alkaline precipitation 刘悦 王铁成 SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY 2021, 257, 117885-117893 1区 7.312
26 Simultaneous removal of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and its resistance genes in water by plasma oxidation: Highlights the effects of inorganic ions 李虎 王铁成 SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY 2021, 278, 119672-119680 1区 7.312
27 Surface plasma induced elimination of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli and resistance genes: Antibiotic resistance, horizontal gene transfer, and mechanisms 宋瑞英 王铁成 SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY 2021, 275, 119185-119194. 1区 7.312
28 The fate of heavy metals in excess sludge during disintegration by discharge plasma 李腾飞 王铁成 SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY 2021, 277, 119433-119441 1区 7.312
29 Responses of bacterial communities and antibiotic resistance genes to nano-cellulose addition during pig manure composting 代晓霞 王小娟 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2021年12月、300卷,113734 2区 6.789
30 Combined application of rhamnolipid and agricultural wastes enhances PAHs degradation via increasing their bioavailability and changing microbial community in contaminated soil 王晋峰 吴福勇 Journal of Environmental Management 2021,294,112998 2区 6.789
31 Trade-offs between winter wheat production and soil water consumption via leguminous green manures in the Loess Plateau of China. 张达斌 高亚军 Field Crops Research 2021、272: 108278 1区 5.224
32 Wheat and maize-derived water-washed and unwashed biochar improved the nutrients phytoavailability and the grain and straw yield of rice and wheat: A field trial for sustainable management of paddy soils Punhoon Khan Korai, Tanveer Ali Sial(博后) 张建国 Journal of Environmental Management 2021,297:113250 2区 6.789
33 Long-term vegetation restoration increases carbon sequestration of different soil particles in a semi-arid desert 白利华(学) 张建国 Ecosphere 2021卷: 12 期: 11
文献号: e03848
2区 3.171
34 Evaluation of surface relative humidity in China from the CRA-40 and current reanalyses 张京朋 Zhao Tianbao Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2021,38(11),1958-1976 2区 3.158
35 Partial-film mulch returns the same gains in yield and water use efficiency as full-film mulch with reduced cost and lower pollution: a meta-analysis 雷同 张树兰 Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2021,101(14):5956-5962 2区 3.639
36 A global meta-analysis of split nitrogen application for improved wheat yield and grain protein content 胡昌录 张树兰 Soil & Tillage Research 2021,213:1-10 1区 5.374
37 Phosphorus Fractions Affected by Land Use Changes in Soil Profile on the Loess Soil Khan Asif 张树兰 Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 2021,21(1):722-732 2区 3.872
38 Changes in soil organic carbon pools following long-term fertilization under rain-fed cropping system in the Loess Plateau, China 王仁杰 杨学云 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2021,200: 2-15 2区 2.848
39 Genetic improvement of crop yield, grain protein and nitrogen use efficiency of wheat, rice and maize in China 刘琳 杨学云 Advances in Agronomy 2021,168:203-252 1区 6.919
40 Increased dryland wheat economic returns, and decreased greenhouse gas emissions by year-round straw mulching in dryland areas of China 赵护兵 赵护兵 Journal of Cleaner Production 2021年,325卷,129337,1-10 1区
41 Selectivity of aggregate fractions for loess soils under different raindrop diameters Fu.Y 李光录 JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS 2021、21、1、189-202 2区 3.308
42 Impact of rainfall on the distribution of soil aggregate fractions caused by shallow runoff Y.Fu 李光录 Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 2021、76、5、414-423 2区 3.18
43 Variation in the content and fluorescent composition of dissolved organic matter in soil water during rainfall-induced wetting and extract of dried soil 葛正奎 李明 Science of The Total Environment 2021、791、148296 1区 7.963
44 Micrometer scale polystyrene plastics of varying concentrations and particle sizes inhibit growth and upregulate microcystin-related gene expression in Microcystis aeruginosa 周君毓 李明 Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021、 420、126591 1区 10.588
45 Effects of iron and humic acid on competition between Microcystis aeruginosa and Scenedesmus obliquus revealed by HPLC analysis of pigments 赵苗苗 李明 Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 2021、39、2、525-535 2区 1.265
46 Humic acid inhibits colony formation of the cyanobacterium Microcystis at high level of iron 马骁 李明 Chemosphere 2021、281、130742 2区 7.086
47 Coupling of Adsorption Site and Cation Ratio Regulates the Adsorption of Cs+ and Na+ at the Surface of Clay Mineral 李雄 张建国 Applied Clay Science 2021,209,106121 1区 5.467
48 Response of abiotic soil CO2 flux to the difference in air-soil temperature in a desert. 高杨 刘加彬 Science of the Total Environment 2021年785卷147377 1区 7.963
49 Differentiating bacterial community responses to long-term phosphorus fertilization in wheat bulk and rhizosphere soils on the Loess Plateau 冉瑾怡(学生) 刘金山 Applied Soil Ecology 2021, 166: 104090 2区 4.046
50 Simulation of natural aging property of microplastics in Yangtze River water samples via a rooftop exposure protocol 刘鹏 高士祥 Science of the Total Environment 2021;785;147265 1区 7.963
51 Review of the artificially accelerated aging technology and ecological risk of microplastics 刘鹏 高士祥 Science of the Total Environment 2021;768;144969 1区 7.963
52 Soil organic carbon transformation and dynamics of microorganisms under different organic amendments 杨雅君 吕家珑 Science of the Total Environment 2021,750,141719 1区 7.963
53 Impacts of cadmium addition on the alteration of microbial community and transport of antibiotic resistance genes in oxytetracycline contaminated soil 郭红宏 吕家珑 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 2021,99,51-58 2区
54 Combined determination analysis of surface properties evolution towards bentonite by pH treatments 杜伟 吕家珑 COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS 2021,626,127067 2区
55 A review of time domain reflectometry (TDR) applications in porous media 何海龙 吕家珑 Advances in Agronomy 2021, 68, 83-155 1区 6.919
56 High phosphorus fertilization changes the speciation and distribution of manganese in wheat grains grown in a calcareous soil 石美 王朝辉 Science of The Total Environment 2021, 787:147608 1区 6.551
57 Stability of Fe-As composites formed with As(V) and aged ferrihydrite 杨忠兰 Zeng Xibai,孙本华 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 2021,100:43-50 2区 5.565
58 Life cycle assessment of alfalfa production and potential environmental improvement measures in Northwest China 王效琴 王效琴,Lin Ma Journal of Cleaner Production 2021卷: 304
文献号: 127025
59 Co-transport of negatively charged nanoparticles in saturated porous media: Impacts of hydrophobicity and surface O-functional groups. 夏天骄 祝凌燕 JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 2021, 409, 124477. 1区 10.588
60 Insights into the transport of pristine and photoaged graphene oxide-hematite nanohybrids in saturated porous media: Impacts of XDLVO interactions and surface roughness. 夏天骄 祝凌燕 JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 2021, 419, 126488 1区 10.588
61 Effect of nZVI/biochar nanocomposites on Cd transport in clay mineral-coated quartz sand: Facilitation and rerelease 周时 殷宪强 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2021,228: 112971 2区
62 Co-transport of ball‐milled biochar and Cd2+ in saturated porous media. 曹钢 孙慧敏 Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021,416: 125725 1区 10.588
63 Understanding the sorption behaviors of heavy metal ions in the interlayer and nanopore of montmorillonite: A molecular dynamics study 刘丽斌 张弛、贾汉忠 Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021年416卷125976-125986页 1区 10.588
64 Effects of oxytetracycline dihydrate and sulfamethoxazole on Microcystis aeruginosa and Chlamydomonas microsphaera 周旭东 高鹏程 Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 2021,39(1):160-172 2区 0.617
65 Leguminous green manure enhances the soil organic nitrogen pool of cropland via disproportionate increase of nitrogen in particulate organic matter fractions 姚志远 高亚军 Catena 2021, 207: 105574 1区 3.813
66 Identification and Expression Analysis of SLAC/SLAH Gene Family in Brassica napus L. 南运有 高亚军 International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021,22(9): 4671 2区 4.142
67 Genotypic variation in nitrogen utilization efficiency in oilseed rape is related to the coordination of leaf senescence and root N uptake during reproductive stage 贺慧英 高亚军 Plant and Soil 2021. 463(1-2): 291–306 2区 3.288
68 Post-flowering nitrogen uptake leads to the genotypic variation in seed nitrogen accumulation of oilseed rape 郭肖 高亚军 Plant and Soil 2021. 461(1-2): 281-294 2区 3.288
69 The effect of pyrolysis temperature on the characteristics of biochar, pyroligneous acids, and gas prepared from cotton stalk through a polygeneration process 成洁 耿增超 Industrial Crops and Products 170 (2021) 113690 1区
70 The effects of pyrolysis temperature and storage time on the compositions and properties of the pyroligneous acids generated from cotton stalk based on a polygeneration process 成洁 耿增超 Industrial Crops and Products 161 (2021) 113226 1区
71 Characteristics of water extractable organic carbon fractions in the soil profiles of Picea asperata and Betula albosinensis forests 王志康 耿增超 Journal of Soils and Sediments 2021.21.11.3580-3589 2区
72 Comparison of activated carbons prepared by one-step and two-step chemical activation process based on cotton stalk for supercapacitors application 成洁 耿增超 Energy 215 (2021) 119144 1区
73 Synthesis of a novel three-dimensional porous carbon material and its highly selective Cr(VI) removal in wastewater 梁宏旭 耿增超 Journal of Cleaner Production 306 (2021) 127204 1区
74 A novel glucose-based highly selective phosphate adsorbent 梁宏旭 耿增超 Science of the Total Environment 792 (2021) 148452 1区
75 Biochar induced improvement in root system architecture enhances nutrient assimilation by cotton plant seedlings 冯雷 耿增超 BMC Plant Biology (2021) 21:269 2区
76 How different are the arsenic fractions inhibit alkaline phosphatases onaggregates scale? 卢冠男 和文祥 Science of the Total Environment 2021, 774, 145728. 1区
77 Kinetics and catalytic efficiency of soil fluorescein diacetate hydrolase under the pesticide parathion stress 陶柯霖 贾汉忠、和文祥 Science of the Total Environment 2021, 771, 144835 1区
78 Response of soil fungal community composition and functions on the alteration of precipitation in the grassland of Loess Plateau 黄倩(Qian Huang) 黄懿梅 Science of The Total Environment 2021,(751) 142273 1区 7.963
79 Effects of planting structure on soil water-stable aggregates, microbial biomass and enzyme activity in a catchment of Loess Plateau terraces, China 肖礼(Xiao, Li) 黄懿梅 Applied Soil Ecology 2021, (159) 103819 2区 4.046
80 Crop type drives soil bacterial community and functional structure on the Loess Plateau terraces of China 肖礼(Xiao, Li) 黄懿梅 Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 2021,(76) 00131 2区 3.18
81 Insights into a packed bubble column for removal of several ozone-persistent TrOCs by ozonation: removal kinetics, energy efficiency and elimination prediction 刘泽 刘泽 SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY Volume 275, 15 November 2021, 119170 1区

82 Comparison and performance assessment of ozone-based AOPs in view of trace organic contaminants abatement in water and wastewater: A review 刘泽 刘泽 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering Volume 9, Issue 4, August 2021, 105599 2区

83 Distribution of persistent free radicals in different molecular weight fractions from peat humic acids and their impact in reducing goethite 石亚芳 贾汉忠 Science of the Total Environment Volume 797, 25 November 2021, 149173 1区 7.963
84 Deciphering the transformation mechanism of substituted polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on Al(III)-montmorillonite: An experimental and density functional theory study 刘劲松 贾汉忠 Science of the Total Environment Volume 786, 10 September 2021, 147493 1区 7.963
85 Interfacial reaction between organic acids and iron-containing clay minerals: Hydroxyl radical generation and phenolic compounds degradation 赵松 贾汉忠 Science of the Total Environment  Volume 783, 20 August 2021, 147025 1区 7.963
86 How important is abiotic dissipation in natural attenuation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil? 刘晋波 贾汉忠 Science of the Total Environment Volume 758, 1 March 2021, 143687 1区 7.963
87 Greatly enhanced oxidative activity of 8-MnO2 to degrade organic pollutants driven by dominantly exposed {?111} facets 王志强 贾汉忠、祝凌燕 Journal of Hazardous Materials Volume 413, 5 July 2021, 125285 1区 10.588
88 Performance and potential mechanism of transformation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on various iron oxides 倪正 贾汉忠 Journal of Hazardous Materials Volume 403, 5 February 2021, 123993 1区 10.588
89 Plant and algal toxicity of persistent free radicals and reactive oxygen species generated by heating anthracene-contaminated soils from 100 to 600 degrees C 刘晋波 贾汉忠 Environmental Chemistry Letters 19, pages2695–2703 (2021) 2区 9.027
90 Modified sloped bed splash function in sand saltation 王正师 贾淑明 Geomorphology 2020,376(2021), 107570 2区 4.139
91 Simulation of aerodynamic entrainment with inter-particle cohesions based on discrete element method (DEM) 贾淑明 王正师 Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2021,376(2021), 107570 2区 4.133
92 Long-term cover crops improved soil phosphorus availability in a rain-fed apple orchard 王元基 李会科 Chemosphere 2021; 275, 130093 2区 7.086
93 Pollution control in biochar-driven clean composting: Emphasize on heavy metal passivation and gaseous emissions mitigation 段宇敏 李会科 Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021; 420,126635 1区 10.588
94 Influence of processing methods and exogenous selenium species on the content and in vitro bioaccessibility of selenium in Pleurotus eryngii 周菲 梁东丽 FOOD CHEMISTRY 2021,338: 127661 1区 7.514
95 Assessing the potential availability of selenium in the soil-plant system with manure application using diffusive gradients in thin-films technique (DGT) and DOM-Se fractions extracted by selective extractions
Dinh Quang Toan 梁东丽 Science of the Total Environment 2021,763:143047 1区
96 Selenium bioaccessibility in native seleniferous soil and associated plants: Comparison between in vitro assays and chemical extraction methods 周菲 梁东丽 Science of the Total Environment 2021,762:143119 1区
97 Selenium bioavailability in soil-wheat system and its dominant influential factors: A field study in Shaanxi province, China 刘娜娜 梁东丽 Science of the Total Environment 2021,770:144664 1区
98 Effects of soil moisture conditions on aging of exogenous selenate in three different soils and mechanisms 翟辉 梁东丽 Geoderma 2021,390:114966 1区
99 Insights into uptake, accumulation,and subcellular distribution of selenium among eight wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars supplied with selenite and selenate 王敏 梁东丽 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2021,207:111544 2区
100 Hyperspectral Image Denoising via Framelet Transformation
based Three-modal Tensor Nuclear Norm
孔文凤 刘京 remote sensing 2021, 卷: 13 期: 19
文献号: 3829
2区 4.848
101 Performance and mechanisms of sulfadiazine removal using persulfate activated by Fe3O4@CuOx hollow spheres 刘婷 吴鹍 CHEMOSPHERE 2021、262、127845 2区 7.086
102 A critical review on the development stage of biorefinery systems towards the management of apple processing-derived waste Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 2021; 143: 110972 1区 14.982
103 Techno-economics and life-cycle assessment of biological and thermochemical treatment of bio-waste Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 2021; 144: 110837 1区 14.982
104 Methanogen and nitrifying genes dynamics in immersed membrane bioreactors during anaerobic co-digestion of different organic loading rates food waste Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Bioresource Technology 2021; 342: 125920 1区 9.642
105 Resource recovery and biorefinery potential of apple orchard waste in the circular bioeconomy 秦士亿 Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Bioresource Technology 2021; 321: 124496 1区 9.642
106 Fungal dynamics during anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge combined with food waste at high organic loading rates in immersed membrane bioreactors 秦士亿 Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Bioresource Technology 2021; 335: 125296 1区 9.642
107 Microbial dynamics during anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge combined with food waste at high organic loading rates in immersed membrane bioreactors 秦士亿 Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Fuel 2021; 303: 121276 1区 6.609
108 Distribution of heavy metal resistant bacterial community succession in cow manure biochar amended sheep manure compost 刘慧敏 Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Bioresource Technology 2021; 335: 125282 1区 9.642
109 Sustainable blueberry waste recycling towards biorefinery strategy and circular bioeconomy: A review 刘慧敏 Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Bioresource Technology 2021; 332: 125181 1区 9.642
110 Patterns of heavy metal resistant bacterial community succession influenced by biochar amendment during poultry manure composting 周煜文 Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021; 420: 126562 1区 10.588
111 Production and beneficial impact of biochar for environmental application: A comprehensive review 周煜文 Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Bioresource Technology 2021; 337: 125451 1区 9.642
112 Biopolymer poly-hydroxyalkanoates (PHA) production from apple industrial waste residues: A review 刘红 Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Chemosphere 2021; 284: 131427 2区 7.086
113 Can biochar regulate the fate of heavy metals (Cu and Zn) resistant bacteria community during the poultry manure composting? Sanjeev Kumar Awasthi(学) Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021; 406:124593 1区 10.588
114 Sequential presence of heavy metal resistant fungal communities influenced by biochar amendment in the poultry manure composting process Sanjeev Kumar Awasthi(学) Mukesh Kumar Awasthi JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 2021; 291: 125947 1区

115 Current research trends on micro- and nano-plastics as an emerging threat to global environment: A review Manish Kumar Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021; 409:124967 1区 10.588
116 Activation of biochar through exoenzymes prompted by earthworms for vermibiochar production: A viable resource recovery option for heavy metal contaminated soils and water Ananthanarayanan Yuvaraj Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Chemosphere 2021; 278:130458 2区 7.086
117 Chemico-nanotreatment methods for the removal of persistent organic pollutants and xenobiotics in water – A review Guruviah Karthigadevi Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Bioresource Technology 2021; 324: 124678 1区 9.642
118 Cleaner production of agriculturally valuable benignant materials from industry generated bio-wastes: A review Balasubramani Ravindran Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Bioresource Technology 2021; 320: 124281 1区 9.642
119 Heterogeneous base catalysts: Synthesis and application for biodiesel production – A review Mani Jayakumar Mukesh Kumar Awasthi Bioresource Technology 2021; 331: 125054 1区 9.642
120 Temporal variation in soil erodibility indices for five typical land use types on the Loess Plateau of China 王浩 张光辉 GEODERMA 2021、381、114695、1-11 1区 6.114
121 Impact of landscape positions on soil erodibility indices in typical vegetation-restored slope-gully systems on the Loess Plateau of China 王浩 王健 张光辉 CATENA 2021、201、105235、1-11 1区 5.198
The degradation performance of different microplastics and their effect on microbial community during composting process
孙越 王权 Bioresource Technology 2021,332,125133 1区 9.642
123 Improvement of the composition and humification of different animal manures by black soldier fly bioconversion 王权 张增强 Journal of Cleaner Production 2021,278,123397 1区 9.297
Fe/Mn- and P-modified drinking water treatment residuals reduced Cu and Pb phytoavailability and uptake in a mining soil
王权 张增强 JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 2021,403,123628 1区 10.588
125 Effects of plastic particles on germination and growth of soybean (Glycine max): a pot experiment under field condition. 李彬涛 杨晓梅 Environmental Pollution 2021,272, 1-8,116418 1区 8.071
126 Film mulching, residue retention and N fertilization affect ammonia volatilization through soil labile N and C pools 李惠通 王林权 AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT 2,021,308,107,272 1区 5.67
127 Ammonia emission from staple crops in China as response to mitigation strategies and agronomic conditions: Meta-analytic study Abdo I.Ahmed 王林权 JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 279;123835;2021 1区

128 croplands conversion to cash crops in dry regions: consequences of nitrogen losses and decreasing nitrogen use efficiency for the food chain system 张雪辰 李紫燕 Land degradation and development 2021,32(3):1103-1113 1区
129 Bacterial agents affected bacterial community structure to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions during sewage sludge composting. 薛舒丹 毛晖 Bioresource Technology 2021,337, 125397 1区
130 Interaction of different-sized ZnO nanoparticles with maize (Zea mays): Accumulation, biotransformation and phytotoxicity 吕志远 毛晖 Science of the total environment 2021, 796,148927 1区
131 Pseudomonas koreensis promotes tomato growth and shows potential to induce stress tolerance via auxin and polyphenol‐related pathways 郭俏 来航线 Plant and Soil 2021,462(1-2):141-158 2区 3.299
132 Modified soil physicochemical properties promoted sequestration of organic and inorganic carbon synergistically during revegetation in
desertified land
李娇 佟小刚 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2021、9、6、106331 2区 5.909
133 The effects of tillage induced surface roughness, slope and discharge rate on soil detachment by concentrated flow: An experimental study 孙佳乾 吴发启 HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES 2021、35、6、e14261 2区 3.565
134 A new method to estimate the cover and management factor for soil loss prediction on the Loess Plateau in China: A case-study using a soybean field 谢欣利 吴发启 LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT 2021、32、11、3282-3295 1区 4.977
135 Combined effects of multiple factors on spatiotemporally varied soil moisture in China’s Loess Plateau 李冰冰 李志 Agricultural Water Management 2021, 258: 107180 1区 4.516
136 Quantitative estimation of groundwater recharge in the thick loess deposits using multiple environmental tracers and methods 石培君 李志 Journal of Hydrology 2021, 603: 126895 1区 5.722
137 Conversion of degraded farmlands to orchards decreases groundwater recharge rates and nitrate gains in the thick loess deposits 黄亚楠 李志 Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 2021, 314: 107410 1区 5.567
138 Effects of vegetation and climate on the changes of soil erosion in the Loess Plateau of China 金凤梅 李志 Science of The Total Environment 2021, 773: 145514 1区 7.963
139 Impacts of deep-rooted fruit trees on recharge of deep soil water using stable and radioactive isotopes 石培君 李志 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2021, 300: 108325 1区 5.734
140 Recharge mechanism of deep soil water and the response to land use change in the loess deposits 姬王佳 李志 Journal of Hydrology 2021, 592: 125817 1区 5.722
141 Runoff change controlled by combined effects of multiple environmental factors in a cold and arid watershed in northwest China 杨武超 李志 Science of the Total Environment 2021, 756: 143995 1区 7.963
142 Nitrate-nitrogen transport in streamwater and groundwater in a loess covered region: Sources, drivers, and spatiotemporal variation 姬王佳 李志 Science of the Total Environment 2021, 761: 143278 1区 7.963
143 Identifying the dominant effects of climate and land use change on soil water balance in deep loessial vadose zone 李冰冰 李志 Agricultural Water Management 2021, 245: 106637 1区 4.516
144 Changes in soil organic carbon fractions and enzyme activities in response to tillage practices in the Loess Plateau of China. 贺丽燕 王旭东 Soil & Tillage Research 2021(209):104940 1区
145 Optimization of tillage rotation and fertilization increased the soil organic carbon pool and crop yield in a semiarid region. 张霞 王旭东,张阿凤 Land Degradation Development 2021卷: 32 期: 18 页: 5241-5252 1区
146 Evaluation of cornstalk as bulking agent on greenhouse gases emission and bacterial community during further composting 刘涛 张增强 Bioresource Technology 2021年340卷125713页 1区 9.642
147 Changes of fungal diversity in fine coal gasification slag amendment pig manure composting 刘涛 张增强 Bioresource Technology 2021年325卷124703页 1区 9.642
148 Conversion food waste and sawdust into compost employing black soldier fly larvae (diptera: Stratiomyidae) under the optimized condition 刘涛 张增强 Chemosphere 2021年272卷129931页 2区 7.086
149 Pathways and mechanisms of nitrogen transformation during co-composting of pig manure and Diatomite 任秀娜 张增强 Bioresource Technology 2021年329卷124914页 1区 9.642
150 Elucidating the optimum added dosage of Diatomite during co-composting of pig manure and sawdust: carbon dynamics and microbial community 任秀娜 张增强 Science of the total environment 2021年777卷146058页 1区 7.963
151 Tea leaves biochar as a carrier of Bacillus cereus improves the soil function and crop productivity Muhammad Azeem 张增强 Applied Soil Ecology 2021年157卷103732页 2区 4.046
152 Effects of sheep bone biochar on soil quality, maize growth, and fractionation and phytoavailability of Cd and Zn in a mining-contaminated soil Muhammad Azeem 张增强 Chemosphere 2021年282卷131016页 2区 7.086
153 Bone-derived biochar improved soil quality and reduced Cd and Zn phytoavailability in a multi-metal contaminated mining soil Muhammad Azeem 张增强 Environmental pollution 2021年277卷116800页 1区 8.071
154 Green remediation of toxic metals contaminated mining soil using bacterial consortium and Brassica juncea Parimala Gnana Soundari Arockiam Jeyasundar 张增强 Environmental pollution 2021年277卷116789页 1区 8.071
155 Streptomyces pactum and Bacillus consortium influenced the bioavailability of toxic metals, soil health, and growth attributes of Symphytum officinale in smelter/mining polluted soil Amjad Ali 张增强 Environmental pollution 2021年291卷118237页 1区 8.071
156 Streptomyces pactum addition to contaminated mining soils improved soil quality and enhanced metals phytoextraction by wheat in a green remediation trial Amjad Ali 张增强 Chemosphere 2021年273卷129692页 2区 7.086
157 Bacillus subtilis and saponin shifted the availability of heavy metals, health indicators of smelter contaminated soil, and the physiological indicators of Symphytum officinale 李一曼 张增强 Chemosphere 2021年285卷131454页 2区 7.086
158 Streptomyces pactum and sulfur mediated the rhizosphere microhabitats of potherb mustard after a phytoextraction trial 郭堤 张增强 Environmental pollution 2021年281卷116968页 1区 8.071
159 Bioremediation of Cd-spiked soil using earthworms (Eisenia fetida): Enhancement with biochar and Bacillus megatherium application 肖然 张增强 Chemosphere 2021年264卷128517页 2区 7.086
160 Co-existing TiO2 nanoparticles influencing adsorption/ desorption of tetracycline on magnetically modified kaolin 王腾 孟昭福 chemosphere 2021,263:128106 2区
161 Insights into the mechanism of co-adsorption between tetracycline and nano-TiO2 on coconut shell porous biochar in binary system 王腾 孟昭福 Advanced Powder Technology 2021,32(11):4120-4129 2区
162 Organic amendments affect soil organic carbon sequestration and fractions in fields with long-term contrasting nitrogen applications 李秀双 田霄鸿,师江澜 AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT 2021,322:107643 1区
163 Effects of plastic and straw mulching on soil microbial P limitations in maize fields: Dependency on soil organic carbon demonstrated by ecoenzymatic stoichiometry 马子宗 郑伟、李紫燕 Geoderma Volume 388, 15 April 2021, 114928 1区 6.114
164 Fungal alpha diversity influences stochasticity of bacterial and fungal community assemblies in soil aggregates in an apple orchard 郑伟 翟丙年 Applied Soil Ecology Volume 162, June 2021, 103878 2区 4.046
165 Assembly of abundant and rare bacterial and fungal sub-communities in different soil aggregate sizes in an apple orchard treated with cover crop and fertilizer 郑伟 翟丙年 Soil Biology & Biochemistry Volume 156, May 2021, 108222 1区 7.609
166 Vertical distribution and regulation of Olsen-phosphorus in 6-m soil profiles after farmland-to-apple orchard conversion on the Chinese Loess Plateau 刘占军 刘占军 Catena 2021卷: 202
文献号: 105254
1区 5.198
167 Long-term straw mulching with nitrogen fertilization increases nutrient and microbial determinants of soil quality in a maize–wheat rotation on China's Loess Plateau 陈秋雨 刘占军 Science of The Total Environment 2021卷: 775
文献号: 145930
1区 7.963
168 Comprehensive assessment of fertilization, spatial variability of soil chemical properties, and relationships among nutrients, apple yield and orchard age: A case study in Luochuan County, China 侯立耀 刘占军 Ecological Indicators 2021卷: 122
文献号: 107285
2区 4.958
169 High Nitrate Accumulation in the Vadose Zone after Land-Use Change from Croplands to Orchards 高晶波 陈竹君 Environmental Science & Technology 2021, 55, 5782−5790 1区
170 Identification and Severity Monitoring of Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Infection Based on Hyperspectral Measurements. 落莉莉(学) 常庆瑞 Remote Sensing 2021 13(22) 4560 2区 4.848
171 Estimation of Apple Tree Leaf Chlorophyll Content Based on Machine Learning Methods. 塔娜 (学) 常庆瑞 Remote Sensing 2021 13(19) 3902 2区 4.848
172 Revegetation intervention of drought-prone coal-mined spoils using Caragana korshinskii under variable water and nitrogen-phosphorus resources. Rana Roy 王进鑫 AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT 2021,卷: 246 文献号: 106712 1区
173 Additions of optimum water, spent mushroom compost and wood biochar to improve the growth performance of Althaea rosea in drought-prone coal-mined spoils. Rana Roy 王进鑫 Journal of Environmental Management ,2021,卷: 295, 文献号:113076 2区
174 The Effects of Leaf Extracts of Four Tree Species on Amygdalus pedunculata Seedlings Growth. Wang XQ 王进鑫 FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 2021,卷: 11 文献号: 587579. 2区
175 Optimal water and fertilizer applications improve growth of Tamarix chinensis in a coal mine degraded area under arid conditions Rana Roy 王进鑫 PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 2021,172(2): 371-390 2区
176 Evaluation of 14 frozen soil thermal conductivity models with observations and SHAW model simulations. 何海龙 何海龙、王进鑫 Geoderma 2021, 卷:403,文献号:115207 1区
177 Modelling dry soil thermal conductivity 何海龙 何海龙、吕家珑 Soil & Tillage Research 2021、213、105093 1区 5.374
178 Time and frequency domain reflectometry for measurement of plant stem water content: A review, evaluation and future perspectives 何海龙 王进鑫、吕家珑 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2021、306、108442 1区 5.734
179 Modeling thermal conductivity of clays: A review and evaluation of 28 predictive models Lanmin Liu 何海龙 Engineering Geology 2021、288、106107 1区 6.755
180 A review and evaluation of 39 thermal conductivity models for frozen soils 何海龙 吕家珑、Bing Si Geoderma 2021、382、114694 1区 6.114
181 Selecting High Zinc Wheat Cultivars Increases Grain Zinc Bioavailability 郭子糠 王朝辉 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2021, 69(38):11196-11203 1区 5.279
182 Changes in phosphorus fractions in response to long-term nitrogen fertilization in loess plateau of China Mohsin Mahmood 王朝辉 Field Crops Research 2021, 270:108207 1区 5.224
183 Negative effects of oxytetracycline and copper on nitrogen metabolism in an aerobic fermentation system: Characteristics and mechanisms 郭红宏 谷洁 Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021,403:123890 1区 10.588
184 Elucidating the microbiological characteristics of cyromazine affecting the nitrogen cycle during aerobic composting of pig manure 郭红宏 谷洁 Science of The Total Environment 2021,764: 142812 1区 7.963
185 Microbial mechanisms related to the effects of bamboo charcoal and bamboo vinegar on the degradation of organic matter and methane emissions during composting 郭红宏 谷洁 Environmental Pollution 2021, 272:116013 1区 8.071
186 Enhanced removal of antibiotic resistance genes and mobile genetic elements during swine manure composting inoculated with mature compost 王佳 谷洁 Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021,411:125135 1区 10.588
187 Succession of diazotroph community and functional gene response to inoculating swine manure compost with a lignocellulose-degrading consortium 胡婷 谷洁 Bioresource Technology 2021, 337: 125469 1区 9.642
188 Insights into the beneficial effects of woody peat for reducing abundances of antibiotic resistance genes during composting 解君 谷洁 Bioresource Technology 2021, 342:125903 1区 9.642
189 Effects of shrimp shell powder on antibiotic resistance genes and the bacterial community during swine manure composting 赵文雅 谷洁 Science of The Total Environment 2021,752:142162 1区 7.963
190 Effects of phosphogypsum and medical stone on nitrogen transformation, nitrogen functional genes, and bacterial community during aerobic composting 雷留生 谷洁 Science of The Total Environment 2021,753:141746 1区 7.963
191 Microbial succession and molecular ecological networks response to the addition of superphosphate and phosphogypsum during swine manure composting 雷留生 谷洁 Journal of Environmental Management 2021, 279: 111560 2区 6.789
192 Black film mulching can replace transparent film mulching in crop production 何刚 王朝辉 Field Crops Research 2021, 261, 108026. 1区 5.224
193 Rethinking application of animal manure for wheat production in China 李永华 何刚 Journal of Cleaner Production 2021, 318, 128473. 1区 9.297
194 Potential of using a new aluminosilicate amendment for the remediation of paddy soil co-contaminated with Cd and Pb 赵航航 吉普辉 Environmental Pollution 2021,269-116198 1区
195 Effect and mechanisms of synthesis conditions on the cadmium adsorption capacity of modified fly ash 赵鑫 吉普辉 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2021,233,112550 2区
196 Stabilization of lead in waste water and farmland soil using modified coal fly ash 王璐 吉普辉 JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 2021卷: 314
文献号: 127957
197 Effect of Modified Fly Ash on Environmental Safety of Two Soils Contaminated with Cadmium and Lead 吉普辉 刘富豪 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2021,215,112-175 2区
198 Potential of a novel modified gangue amendment to reduce cadmium uptake in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) 赵航航 吉普辉 Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021卷: 410
文献号: 124543
199 Possibility of using modified fly ash and organic fertilizers for remediation of heavy-metal-contaminated soils 胡雄飞 吉普辉 Journal of Cleaner Production Volume 284, 15 February 2021, 124713 1区

200 Nitrate accumulation in the soil profile is the main fate of surplus nitrogen after land-use change from cereal cultivation to apple orchards on the Loess Plateau. 朱学强 周建斌 Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 319 (2021) 107574. 1区 5.567
201 Intensive vegetable production results in high nitrate accumulation in deep soil profiles in China. 白新禄 周建斌 Environmental Pollution 287 (2021) 117598 1区 8.071
202 Inorganic carbon losses by soil acidification jeopardize global efforts on carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation. Sajjad Raza 周建斌 Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128036. 1区 9.927
203 Deterioration of Groundwater Quality along an Increasing Intensive Land Use Pattern in a Small Catchment. 高晶波 周建斌 Agricultural Water Management 253 (2021) 106953 1区 4.021
204 Facts to acidification‐induced carbonate losses from Chinese croplands. Sajjad Raza 周建斌 GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 2021, 27(5):e7-e10. 1区 10.863
205 Dynamics of soil bacteria and fungi communities of dry land for 8 years with conservation tillage 杨玥 同延安 journal of Environmental management 2021(299):113544 2区 6.789
206 Variation of soil moisture and fine roots distribution adopts rainwater collection, infiltration promoting and soil anti-seepage system (RCIP-SA) in hilly apple orchard on the Loess Plateau of China 郭复兴(学) 王延平 Agricultural Water Management 244 (2021) 106573. 1区

207 Conservation Agriculture Could Improve the Soil Dry Layer Caused by the Farmland Abandonment to Forest and Grassland in the Chinese Loess Plateau Based on EPIC Model 郭复兴(学) 王延平 Forests 2021, 12, 9,1228. 2区

208 Chitosan crosslinked with polyamine-co-melamine for adsorption of
Hg2+: Application in purification of polluted water
申伟博、房玥茹 李荣华 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 181 (2021) 778–785 1区 6.953
209 First report on the sources, vertical distribution and human health risks of legacy and novel per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in groundwater from the Loess Plateau, China 周健 祝凌燕 Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021,404,124134 1区 10.588


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