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关于举办“Climate Change, Waste Biorefinery and Green Society: A Swedish perspective”学术报告的通知

发布日期:2018-03-05    浏览次数:


  报告题目:Climate Change, Waste Biorefinery and Green Society: A Swedish perspective

  报告人:Mohammad J. Taherzadeh (University of Borås)




  Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change is a serious challenge to human society in the world. The result in rapid changes in climates and more often and more serious natural disasters. On the other hand, our resources oil, phosphorus, etc. are limited. Developing circular economy and green society, resource recovery and zero wastes and using renewable fuels and energy and materials are solution to these challenges.

  Sweden has a goal to become fossil free in 2050. But, the question is how? In this talk, the current practices in this field in national scale, the goals for the future and the research at University of Borås on biorefineries and converting wastes to value added products are discussed.


  Mohammad J. Taherzadeh博士是瑞典University of Borås瑞典资源回收中心的教授。主要从事有关生物能源、环境生物技术及有机废物资源再生利用技术等方面的研究。至今已共出版3本著作,为18本著作进行章节撰写,申请5项发明专利,发表200余篇SCI论文,其中在生物工程类顶级杂志Bioresource Technology, Energy, AEM等期刊发表论文50篇。同时Mohammad J. Taherzadeh教授还担任Bioresource Technology编辑。






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