首页» 学术活动» The 4th International Conference on C Sequestration September, 21-24, 2014, Yangling, Shaanxi, China

The 4th International Conference on C Sequestration September, 21-24, 2014, Yangling, Shaanxi, China

发布日期:2014-03-06    浏览次数:


Updated in February 28, 2014

The 4th International Conference on C Sequestration and Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture

September, 21-24, 2014, Yangling, Shaanxi, China

(1st Circular)

Soil plays an important role in global C cycle. Globally, soils have stabilized nearly 2500 Pg of organic carbon, and 1000 Pg of inorganic carbon and combined represent more than 2 times the C in the atmosphere. Small changes in soil carbon could significantly intensify or mitigate atmospheric increases of CO2. Carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas mitigation in agricultural soils are potentially an important means for alleviating the increase in atmospheric CO2. However, to feed the world population, agricultural production continues to intensify combined with the conversions of natural ecosystems to permanent agriculture, resulting in substantial losses of soil organic carbon and emissions of other greenhouse gases. Understanding the interactions between soils, microbes, fertilizers, and crop management is crucial for enhancing both the productivity and mitigation potential in croplands for climate-friendly agriculture.

  Therefore, the first three International Workshops on C Sequestration and Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture were successfully held in 2008, 2010 and 2012 in Nanjing and Beijing. To exchange the recent advances in this field, we plan to organize the 4th International Conference on this topic on September 21-24, 2014, at Yangling, Shaanxi, China. We hope the conference will provide an international forum on C sequestration and climate change mitigation in agriculture.

  Yangling is 82 km west of the famous ancient city of Xi’an, and 70 km west to Xi’an-Xianyang International Airport. It is in Yangling region that Houjin, the ancestor of China's agriculture, taught people to grow crops 4000 years ago. Therefore, Yangling is one of the birthplaces of China's agriculture and also one of today’s famous centers on agricultural education and research in China.


·        Greenhouse gas emission and mitigation across soils and ecosystems

·        Long-term experiments on soil carbon dynamics

·        Anthropedology and carbon sequestration

·        Nutrient management and carbon sequestration

·        New instrumental and analytical techniques in carbonand nitrogen studies



Ministry of Agriculture of China (MOA)

Ministry of Science & Technology of China

Ministry of Education of China

National Natural Science Foundation of China


Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Society of China

National Key Engineer Laboratory of Arable Land Quality and Improvement

Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, MOA

NorthwestA&F University

The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

China-UK Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network (SAIN)


Co-Chairs:  Daniel D. Richter, Duke University, USA

Jianbin Zhou, Northwest A&F University, China

            Minggang Xu, The Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences, China


International Members:

Prof. Daniel D. Richter, Duke University, USA

Prof. Warren Dick, Ohio State University, USA 

Prof. David Powlson, Rothamsted Research, UK

Prof. William Horwath, Universityof California, Davis, USA

Prof. Pete Smith, University of Aberdeen, UK

Prof. Daniel Murphy, University of West Australia, Australia

Prof. Jim Jian Wang, Louisiana State University, USA

Prof. Wendy Wang, University of Maryland, USA

Prof. Karsten Kalbitz, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Prof. Bob Rees, Scotland's Rural College, UK

Prof. Philip C Brookes, Rothamsted Research, UK

Prof. Dave Chadwick, Bangor University,UK

Prof. Avi Shaviv, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Prof. Lianhai Wu, Rothamsted Research, UK

Prof. Xinhua He, Department of Primary Industries, New South Wales, Australia


National Members:

Prof. Minggang Xu, The Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences

Prof. Erda Lin, The Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences

Prof. Fusuo Zhang, China Agricultural University

Prof. Xudong Zhang, Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS

Prof. Jinshui Wu, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, CAS

Prof. Genxing Pan, Nanjing Agricultural University

Prof. Qimei Lin, China Agricultural University

Prof. Zucong Cai, Nanjing Normal University

Prof. Jianming Xu, Zhejiang University

Prof. Yao Huang, Institute of Botany, CAS

Prof. Xuezheng Shi, Institute of Soil Science, CAS

Prof. Xiaozeng Han, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, CAS

Prof. Shuying Leng, National Natural Science Foundation of China

Prof. Zubin Xie, Institute of Soil Science, CAS

Prof. Jingkuan Wang, Shenyang Agriculture University


Local Organization Members:

Prof. Jianbin Zhou, chairperson, Northwest A&F University

Prof. Jialong Lu, Northwest A&F University

Prof. Yanan Tong, Northwest A&F University

Prof. Xiaohong Tian, Northwest A&F University

Prof. Yajun Gao, Northwest A&F University



Conference Time

   21-24, September 2014


NorthwestA&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China

The tentative program

September 21, 2014, Sunday:Reception in Yangling Intn’l Convention & Exhibition Hotel, Yangling, Shaanxi

September 22-23, Monday, and Tuesday:Conference presentation and discussion

September 24, Wednesday:Training course in morning, and field trip in the afternoon

September 25, Thursday:Sight seeing in Xian city and around.

Presentation types

1) Oral presentations:

Invited speech: nominated by the organizing committee. The speakers will be granted the travel and accommodation cost.

Voluntary contributions: reviewed and appraised by the organizing committee. The registration for voluntary speaker will be waived.

2) Posters:

Poster session will be given a particular time schedule and a location so that the participants will all have the access. The number is open.



Language: English



A registration fee is required for participants who do not receive financial support from the organizers. The registration fee covers attendance of the Conference, Conference layouts, social events and the Conference banquet. The cost of accommodation is additional.

The standard registration fee is 200 USD (150 USD for students) for foreign participant. It is 1000 ¥RMB (700 ¥RMB for students) for participants from China.

To register please complete the registration form and submit it electronically to qwh@nwsuaf.edu.cn, meeting@caas.ac.cn. Registration is possible during the duration of the conference.

The deadline for registration and abstract submission is on June 31, 2014. Early registration is recommended due to the visa application.



a)        Dr. Weihong Qiu

Email: qwh@nwsuaf.edu.cn; Tel: (+8629) 87082793; Fax: (+8629) 87080055

b)        Dr. Wenju Zhang

Email: meeting@caas.ac.cn;Tel: (+8610) 82108661; Fax: (+8610)82106225.

c)        Prof. Jianbin Zhou

Email: jbzhou@nwsuaf.edu.cn; Tel: (+8629) 87082793;




a)        Please fill the attached pre-registration form, and send back to qwh@nwsuaf.edu.cn; meeting@caas.ac.cn;

b)        Please submit your Registration Form by July 31, 2014.



This is to urge the submission of an extended abstracts (attached samples) for a pre-conference proceedings. Earlier submissions and full papers are kindly appreciated. Please find the attached samples for the extended abstract

Please submit the abstract of your paper before July 31, 2014.




 □Prof.    □Dr.    □male    □female    







Pre-registration Form

1.   I intend to attend this Conference

□Yes        □No

2.   I intend to attend and make a presentation (oral or poster)

          □oral        □poster

The tentatively entitled:





Title of Paper. 14. pt. Times New Roman Bold, Centered.

for example

Nutrient availability limits carbon sequestration in arable soils

2 lines brake.


Authors1 (numerical points to institute if more than one): Times New Roman 12 pt font.

for example: Clive A. Kirkby1, Alan E. Richardson1, Len J. Wade2

1 line brake.

Institute(s), city, country in 12 pt italic, centered.

for example

1CSIRO National Sustainable Agriculture Flagship, CSIRO Plant Industry, GPO Box 1600, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia

2Charles Sturt University, E H Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2678, Australia

1 line brake.

Keywords: if possible, list important searchable terms


Here starts the main text.  It is written in 12 pt Times Roman or Times New Roman.  It should be in English.  The abstract should not exceed 2 pages!  Please use spelling programs to minimize grammatical errors. 

Each paragraph starts with 5 empty spaces (indent), except for the first one, as shown here.You can use this page as format and save it under your name.  Use underlining and italics sparingly.  You can include figures and tables within this 2 pages maximum, they should be inserted into the word document. 

This standardization of the abstract format is to help us to make it easy to have them printed and to increase the quality of the printed matter.


Finally, we remind you that deadline for abstracts is July 31, 2014. They should be sent to the Conference secretariat at:



  We look forward to receiving your abstract before the deadline.



If any references, they should follow similar format as Soil Science Society of America Journal, both within the main text and in the reference list. 



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