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关于举办“有机废物及废水厌氧生物质能转化” 学术的通知

发布日期:2014-11-06    浏览次数:


报告人:李玉友教授  (日本东北大学)




    Dr. Yu-You Li (alias Gyokuyu RI) is aProfessor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineeringat Tohoku University, Japan, responsible for the Lab of Environment Protection Engineering, and the person in charge of the Tohoku University Asia-Africa Environmental LeadershipProgram. He received his BS degree (1982) from Xian University of Architecture & Technology (China), MS degree (1985) from Tianjing University (China), and PhD (1990) from Tohoku University (Japan). Prior to assuming his present positionat Tohoku Universityin 2003, Dr. Li had 7 years of engineering experience at the Technical Research Institute, Ataka Construction & Engineering Co. (Osaka, Japan), plus 18years of academic experience (17years at Tohoku University and one year at The University of Hong Kong). His research interests are wastewater treatment, solid waste management and bioenergy production, especially the anaerobic biotechnologies including methane and hydrogen fermentation. He has published over 200journal papers and 18books. He is currently serving as the Chairman of the Anaerobic Biotechnology Committee in Japan Society on Water Environment, a visiting researcher in the National Research Institute of Environment, Japan, and visiting Professor at the Xian University of Architecture& Technology, China.









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